Fernor Sapling

Fernor walnut tree is a variety of walnut tree that is known for producing large, high-quality nuts and having a strong, straight trunk. It is used for commercial nut production and in landscaping design. To promote the healthy growth of Fernor walnut trees, the right growing conditions and protection from pests and diseases must be provided. This may include providing the tree with adequate sunlight, water, and nutrients, and pruning the tree. The tree may also need to be protected from pests and treated with pesticides if necessary. With proper care, Fernor walnut trees will produce high-quality nuts.

Fernor is a cultivar of black walnut (Juglans nigra) that is known for its large, high-quality nuts and strong, straight trunk. It is a popular choice for commercial nut production, as well as for use as a shade tree in landscaping. As a sapling, a Fernor walnut tree will be a small, young tree that is just starting to grow and develop its characteristic features. It will need proper care and attention to help it grow into a healthy, productive tree.

To care for a Fernor walnut sapling, you will need to provide it with the right growing conditions and protect it from pests and diseases. This may include providing the tree with adequate sunlight, water, and nutrients, as well as pruning it to encourage healthy growth and remove damaged or diseased branches. You may also need to protect the tree from pests, such as squirrels or insects, and treat it with appropriate pesticides if necessary. With proper care, your Fernor walnut sapling should grow into a strong, healthy tree that produces high-quality nuts for years to come.

  • Fernor is a cultivar of black walnut (Juglans nigra) that is known for its large, high-quality nuts and strong, straight trunk.
  • It is a popular choice for commercial nut production, as well as for use as a shade tree in landscaping.
  • As a sapling, a Fernor walnut tree will be a small, young tree that is just starting to grow and develop its characteristic features.
  • To care for a Fernor walnut sapling, you will need to provide it with the right growing conditions and protect it from pests and diseases. This may include providing the tree with adequate sunlight, water, and nutrients, as well as pruning it to encourage healthy growth and remove damaged or diseased branches.
  • You may also need to protect the tree from pests, such as squirrels or insects, and treat it with appropriate pesticides if necessary.
  • With proper care, your Fernor walnut sapling should grow into a strong, healthy tree that produces high-quality nuts for years to come.

Fernor Walnut Fruit seedlings consist of 1-4. The tree grows vertically. It has a thin crust and a long fruit shape. Late blooming. It is easy to separate from the shell. It is suitable for consumption as dry walnut. This is a hybrid Franquette, which gives the Lara variety on the side branches.

-Fruit weight: 11-12 g
-Internal efficiency: 42-47%
-Oil ratio: 69%
-Protein: 21%

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