Ferragnes Almond Sapling

Ferragnes is a cultivar of almond tree (Prunus dulcis) that is known for its large, high-quality nuts and strong, upright growth habit.

Ferragnes is a cultivar of almond tree (Prunus dulcis) that is known for its large, high-quality nuts and strong, upright growth habit. It is a popular choice for commercial nut production, as well as for use as a shade tree in landscaping. As a sapling, a Ferragnes almond tree will be a small, young tree that is just starting to grow and develop its characteristic features.

To care for a Ferragnes almond sapling, you will need to provide it with the right growing conditions and protect it from pests and diseases. This may include providing the tree with adequate sunlight, water, and nutrients, as well as pruning it to encourage healthy growth and remove damaged or diseased branches. You may also need to protect the tree from pests, such as birds or insects, and treat it with appropriate pesticides if necessary. With proper care, your Ferragnes almond sapling should grow into a strong, healthy tree that produces high-quality nuts for years to come.

  • Ferragnes almond trees are self-pollinating, which means they do not require cross-pollination from other trees to produce nuts.
  • They are well-suited to a variety of soil types, but prefer well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter.
  • Ferragnes almond trees are sensitive to frost, so they should be planted in an area with minimal frost risk.
  • They have a moderate drought tolerance, but will produce the highest yields with regular watering.
  • Ferragnes almond trees are susceptible to pests and diseases, so it is important to monitor the tree and take appropriate measures to prevent and control these issues.
  • The trees grow medium-strong.
  • Dallanma nadirdir.
  • It is very efficient.
  • It draws attention with the quality of its almonds.
  • It lies on the fruit quickly, its large outer skin is hard.
  • Its internal yield is 40%, double almond rate is 1-2%.
  • Hasat zamanı: Eylül ayının üçüncü haftasıdır.
  • Pollinators: Ferraduel, Ferrastar
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